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  • Awake To Righteousness



    In Awake to Righteousness, Mark Greenwood systematically unpacks the truth that the sinful condition was removed at the cross, giving us unveiled access to the Father through receiving His righteousness in Christ.

    Learn to:
    – Intimately know the Father in a tangible and constant way
    – Walk free from sin with a proper understanding of your new nature in Christ
    – Discover and enjoy your inheritance as a child of God
    – Put off guilt, shame, fear, and condemnation for good
    – Live a life of assurance in the knowledge of the will and nature of God

  • Connection



    A Handbook for Cultivation Closeness – Mark and Christine Greenwood

  • Ali’s Secret – Rob Turner


    The statistics regarding child sexual abuse (CSA) are horrendous but there is HOPE. There is a ground swell of momentum to break the silence and turn the tide.

    The average delay to disclosure of CSA is currently 24 years. I want to reduce this to two years so that victims are empowered to start a journey of healing as soon as possible. More than 15% of our school students are victims of CSA.  For girls, it is around one in five. How many victims are in your school? Each one of these victims could start on a new path if they are empowered to disclose.

    Ali’s Secret is a great resource for parents, carers, chaplains and counsellors; to open discussion, empower resilience and take steps toward safety and healing (while keeping innocent children unscathed by the subject). It is suitable for reading to mixed primary school groups.